11th May 2016 16:30:00

Notification system is online

Live notifications are go. Try it out.
A live notifications system has been implemented. Whenever you perform a relevant action a notification bubble will pop-up on the upper left side of your screen, describing such action and whether you have earned experience points, photocoins or a token. Clicking on the bubble will result in it disappearing; the bubble will disappear automatically after a short period.

Some notifications are considered more important than others so they will be stored in a panel accessible by clicking on the icon representing a speech bubble in your tools (upper right corner), it will become red and will display the number of unread notifications you have. Once you click on this icon, a panel will slide in from the right side of the screen, detailing every unviewed notification. In this panel you have the possibility of marking all of the items as viewed, alternatively you can mark items singularly by clicking on the relative button "viewed". In the case of new votes or new comments you can also click on the entry's thumbnail or title bringing you to the entry's page, where your notifications about that entry will be automatically marked as viewed. To simply close this panel click again on the red speech bubble in your tools.

The following events will be notified and stored in your unread notifications panel:

  • New votes and comments received on active entries;
  • New comments received on past entries;
  • When a contest ends, if you have placed in the first five and what prize you have earned;
  • When a contest ends, the result of your voting on entries;
  • When a source you have posted gets either accepted for selection, selected to be used in a contest or simply rejected.
  • When you receive a gift

All other events will be only notified in the bubble once and won't be stored in your unread notifications.



Retrieve forgotten password

Type in the email address used in the registration process