19th Jan 2018 17:22:00

New feature - Magnifying glass

A new feature for citizens of levels 3 and up!
Good day Nation, a new feature has been implemented: you can now zoom in on the entries with the magnifying glass! Simply hover on the image in the entry page and the magnifying glass will appear, hover outside and it will disappear. This feature is available to members who are level 3 or higher and it is not available on the mobile version of the website, also not available on animated gifs.



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Try clearing the browser cache if it doesn't work. I'll add an option in the profile settings to disable it
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It's working for me in Firefox. Is there an option to disable this? Sometimes it gets in the way....
Cartoon Contractor
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not visible to me either in chrome
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fyi, working well in explorer and not visible in firefox
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what browser/system are you on?
A Bederatzi
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It doesn't work for me, I hover and hover and no magnifying glass.... Embarassed

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