How to Make a Selection of Gradient in Photoshop

16th Apr 2018 17:55:05 - ( 0 Comments)
Author: PixImperfect - Level: Intermediate
How to Make a Selection of Gradient in Photoshop
Learn the trick of selection gradient which will allow you to apply any effect, adjustment or filter in the form of a gradient. Be it an artistic filter or a gaussian blur, didn't you ever want to convert a gradient into a selection so that you could apply that filter in a way that it is slowing fading away? In this video, I'll show you how you can make a selection of a gradient very easily with this simple trick. It might not seem so essential but the contrary is true. You would never have imagined the amount of things you can do with it. Whether you want to add a stylized and customized vignette or you wanted to add a light leak. All this can be done very quickly using this simple trick. Besides, selection of gradient will also allow you to create beautiful background blur in no time. Gradient selection is totally different from feathering selection. If you make a selection a feather it, yes, the edges will get soft, but the problem is, all the edges on all sides will become soft, Whereas when you make a gradient selection, only those edges will be soft which you have defined. SUMMARY: To make a gradient selection, select the gradient tool in Photoshop and then make sure the gradient color is from black to transparent. Now, press Q, this will get you in Quick Mask mode. Make the gradients wherever you like and then press Q again. Now, we need to invert the gradient. to do that Press Ctrl/Cmd +Shift+ I and then apply the filter, effect or adjustment of your choice. The possibilities are endless, from light leaks to customizable Instagram-like filters, you can do them all. Hope this video helped you! Thanks for watching! All the very best! -Unmesh


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