honour penalty voting

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Sat Aug 18, 2018 6:43 am
what s the impact to the entry if da honour drop to 0 or 1.? %)

Final score = Points average * (Score ratio - Honour penalty).? final score can be zero. or negative value.? haha.. this s very cool. that s what me want..
Filter Stag++
Level: 9 • EXP: 2177/2400
Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:54 am
why don't you just vote fairly,what you think each entry is worth according to your own criteria and stop worrying about the voting system...the rest will follow
Level: 15 • EXP: 5698/6000
Location: Almunecar
Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:58 pm
If you voted fairly you wouldn't have to worry about the stupid honor system.
Raster Paladin+
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Sat Aug 18, 2018 5:20 pm
Vic I think that is his problem he has no criteria to judge the works by so he doesn't know what a fair vote is...right locxie,entries are either all good or all bad,or all neither good nor bad,thus the erratic voting tendencies
Level: 15 • EXP: 5698/6000
Location: Almunecar
Sat Aug 18, 2018 6:09 pm
me already told ya all in 'voting question' topic by whisperingsage.. ve ya all read that.? please read that catefully so there s no misundertanding.. %) 'Me Don't Judge Arts. Art s its own style'..
Filter Stag++
Level: 9 • EXP: 2177/2400
Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:49 pm
then dont vote at all...giving erratic scores screws everything up...unless that is your intention :mad:
Level: 15 • EXP: 5698/6000
Location: Almunecar
Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:19 pm
r ya angry.? or bothered.? wid that.? if so. why.? that s not impact to yar entry but mine.. r ya realize that.? me give 0/99 score to all entries. s that impact to yar entry by lowering/raising yar score.? nope.. just mine gain da risk of high honour penalty n just mine get negative influence from other... r ya get it now. or r ya feel that ya r right n me am da wrong one.?

r we discuss something out of topic here that bothering ya or make ya angry.? me follow da site rule n take da risk.. am me doing something wrong wid that.? if so. if so. if so. me am sorry for that..
Filter Stag++
Level: 9 • EXP: 2177/2400
Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:31 am
what me angry,are you kidding,I'm too old to get angry any more,just forget it and do whatever turns ya on,oh and maybe continue the topic discussion with the people that run the site and make the rules here,it may be more in there interests than mine to enlighten you on the fine art of voting fairly here...try to pm Nick and maybe he can explain it you better...now STFUAC :D
Level: 15 • EXP: 5698/6000
Location: Almunecar
Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:34 am
I'd still like to know why you speak that way, ...there's a reason for everything, and I'm curious. But I don't think you will ever say. :alien:
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:19 pm
vicspa wrote:I'd still like to know why you speak that way, ...there's a reason for everything, and I'm curious. But I don't think you will ever say. :alien:

actually it's not really speaking that way, it's typing that way...he may just speak very normally as far as we know ¿ no ?
Level: 15 • EXP: 5698/6000
Location: Almunecar
Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:52 pm
LUX wrote:
vicspa wrote:I'd still like to know why you speak that way, ...there's a reason for everything, and I'm curious. But I don't think you will ever say. :alien:

actually it's not really speaking that way, it's typing that way...he may just speak very normally as far as we know ¿ no ?

Yes I said speak when I should've said type, ...but why that way, ... I'm old school, and to me it shows a lack of intelligence, and why would anyone do that. :crazy:
If he's trying to be hip and kool and all that, it's not working.
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
Sun Aug 19, 2018 4:30 pm
ya two :thumbsup: :thumbsup: r top.. n very friendly %) .. that s why it s easy for ya two to make a friend... salute.. wish ya two all da best.. amen...
Filter Stag++
Level: 9 • EXP: 2177/2400
Sun Aug 19, 2018 7:52 pm
Tough to be mad at ya Locx.
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
Sun Aug 19, 2018 7:54 pm
:bheart: :heart: :kiss: :catlove: B) :thumbsup: :-ok-: :D I'm overdoing it huh!?
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:21 pm
I agree with Vic can't get angry with ya locxie ,gotta respect you for always being true to your style , but hey how about try and vote normally if at all inhumanly possible ;) :kiss: :cheekyd:
Level: 15 • EXP: 5698/6000
Location: Almunecar
Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:10 am
Loc, please try the rating system on the right side of each entry, it will give you a way to judge the work by looking at certain features to a chop. Give fair and honest scores on each one, then take an average and make that your final score. Sometimes an entry is really good, even with a flaw in it, the whole score shouldn't reflect just one flaw, especially if a lot of work went into the chop. A simple cut and paste should get a lower score than a chop that has many sources added in, for instance.
Raster Paladin++
Level: 24 • EXP: 22969/30000
Location: Mojave Desert, California
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