Last second vote

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Mon Dec 28, 2020 4:25 pm
Many time has just happened, someone can please explain me, how in 2020 and in a situation like this could happen?. I've just lost a contest, yeah, i lost it not "he won it". Several time I've seen high range vote by high range artist with high vote power, voting in a contest just for a person, as in this case Harveydog vote for example, that got no sense...not even if the best art piece of history, if I vote a contest I vote it all. And that's the trick, looking at the rate you can notify that usual better, clean with any idea they will loose in front of any kind of shit that receive a top vote from the top friend. People, visitors they will look at ranking, they will see what and they will send you fuc** off. I will stop maybe to spend 5 hours in these bullshits if another person It will perform a first place with inexistent ideas and half an hour work.

it seems you don't want to change this equivocal system, penalizing art in change of some ugly clever fake fact
Bevel Crafter
Level: 4 • EXP: 840/900
Location: Sicily - Italy
Mon Dec 28, 2020 5:00 pm
Hi Bridges, ooooh I can see you're angry with all the world.
You've not lost, you're 2nd and it is not too bad :grin 2:
You see, it's a free world (sometimes) where people vote if they wish to.
If they post an entry it is better then to vote for every other entry, else they get penalised. Which I kindly explained to you not long ago. Remember???
If they don't post anything in a contest, people can have a look all the same because this is also what this website is about.
Then they can vote, or not.
Sometimes I vote just for the entries I like and disregard the others. Nothing about friendship here.
Remember when I voted only for you here: ... erribilis/
You have a short memory and you talk complete nonsense.
It makes you insulting, and it makes me sad.
Shadow Disciple
Level: 10 • EXP: 2948/3000
Mon Dec 28, 2020 6:25 pm
I feel your anger bridges, and I understand English is not your native language, but you should look for a good translator because it can be hard to understand what you are saying sometimes, and words can be miss understood. You are good at what you do and you stand out even though your chops are mostly dark and moody. (giveaway).
But some friendly advice, tone down you big ego, that can go a long way, and get rid of the big chip on your shoulder too. You win some and you loose some.
At the moment you do not have that much of competition in the comps, and occasionally some good chopper will enter and you'll loose, that's a fact, some people here do not know how to chop well so they do not vote well because they do not know what they are looking at and don't really understand what it takes to do a good chop. That's just my opinion. Voting here really SUCKS, I don't enter anymore because it's too frustrating. You call this stuff we do ART? couldn't be further from the truth, some stuff is good some stuff is just childish cut and paste crap. Again just my opinion.
Buona Fortuna.
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
Mon Dec 28, 2020 6:27 pm
Z seems to be a voice of reason. Take that in consideration. :angel:
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:19 pm
I'm looking to evidence and everything make me sad as you, ziz.
I'm working everyday on this cause it's my job and for me is ART whatever people can think. I don't post usually just to do it. Thanks for your votes.
Bevel Crafter
Level: 4 • EXP: 840/900
Location: Sicily - Italy
Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:33 pm
Hoooops, me???? voice of reason??? Thanks Vic, I'll try to remember that XD
Shadow Disciple
Level: 10 • EXP: 2948/3000
Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:37 am
I’d like to think that I am the voice of reason, but I don’t like to blow my own horn, so you’re it. :thumbsup:
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
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