My voting guidelines

What's on your mind today?
Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:26 pm
If anyone is interested, these are some of my basic guidelines that I use to judge entries:

10 - 49 - Almost not acceptible for a contest, amateurish, limited in photoshop skills
50 - 55 - Mediocre chop, so-so idea, only one external added or none, integration poor, masking of images on the rough side.
56 - 65 - Better idea, one or more externals added, better intergration, paid attention to lights and shadows, better masking.
65 - 75 - Much better idea, maybe humor added, one or many externals, superior integration, cohesive light and shadows, perspective works.
75+ - A chop to be proud of, all of 65-75 and then some.
80+ - Outstanding work, almost flawless.

Additions and comments welcomed.
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:38 pm
So it seems you work from the bottom up. Sounds negative to me. I look at an entry as if perfect, then knock down points as I see flaws. I also use the rating scale, which is a great assistant. I also don't judge on whether I like the entry or not, which seems you and a few others do. You speak of objects in a chop, the more, the merrier. It's quality, not quanity that counts. Sometimes the most simple chop is the grand winner if done just right. However, I do realize everyone has their own guidelines, but I highly suggest using the rate scale to help you being honest in a contest. #)
Raster Paladin++
Level: 24 • EXP: 22969/30000
Location: Mojave Desert, California
Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:14 am
The rate scale means nothing and counts for nothing, why don't you put your voting parameters similar to what I have so we can all understand.
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
Wed May 30, 2018 12:50 am
You don't vote fairly, vicspa. You have your own set of rules, plus the one where you come in and deliberately vote low on my entries, whether or not you are in the contest itself. You make it a point to low vote on all of mine. I don't know how you managed to get others to follow you to do the same, and they will deny it until Kingdom comes, but it is not right. You are not honest with yourself. I don't know how you sleep at night, then again, you probably don't have any conscience. :chicken: :poo:
Raster Paladin++
Level: 24 • EXP: 22969/30000
Location: Mojave Desert, California
Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:54 pm
Contests are anonymous, I don't know who's entry it is, I vote based on idea, and execution. You are getting low votes because your chops are generally poor in quality, that's why you are mostly on the bottom, concentrate on quality not quantity, one good entry is worth more that 100 poor ones. You've been doing this for a fairly long time now you should be getting better.
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:03 pm
BTW, I've come to the opinion that you are a paranoid psychotic, ...which explains a lot. :crazy:
Raster Paladin+
Level: 23 • EXP: 19873/22000
Location: USA
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