Photoshop contests have moved to a different platform!

Dear members of PSN.

As you may have already read on the forum, the PSN admin decided to discontinue the website.
But, he was kind enough to let me keep the website up and running.

We will not organize any new contests on here, but we will keep all pictures, galleries, profiles, stats and forum posts accessible.

You are also welcome to join the photoshop contests on a different platform: Photoshop contests on Grepless.

We've built up quite a nice community over there with many familiar faces.
Have a look at our Member Portraits photo contest.

So come on over, you are more than welcome to join us!

Participating is simple: make a free account, follow the photoshop community (and/or others) and click on the contests tab.
More info will follow via mail.

Good luck!


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